Military officials say the United States and South Korea have signed an agreement giving American troops an expanded role in protecting the South from North Korean provocation. 军方官员说,美国和韩国签署了一项协议,扩大美国军队保护韩国免遭朝鲜挑衅的作用。
Ukraine considers the conducting of such unprecedented military exercises on the border with Ukraine as a provocation, said Col. Andriy Lysenko, a Ukrainian army spokesperson. 乌克兰军方发言人安德里•李森科上校(Col.AndriyLysenko)表示:乌克兰把在乌克兰边境这类史无前例的军事演习视为一种挑衅。
The military provocation by the Japanese aggressors at Lukouchiao and their occupation of Peiping and Tientsin represent only the beginning of their large-scale invasion of China south of the Great Wall. It is difficult to make an accurate count of the stone lions in the Lugou Bridge. 卢沟桥的挑战和平津的占领,不过是日寇大举进攻中国本部的开始。卢沟桥的狮子极不容易数清。
Seoul has also said that its military should respond immediately to any provocation, without considering the wider political implications. 首尔方面也表示,韩国军队将对任何挑衅做出立即回应,而不用考虑任何政治后果。